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BAZA Antifungal Cream - 5 oz tube, % Miconazole Nitrate in a zinc oxide moisture barrier cream for the treatment of superficial skin infections caused by yeast (Candidiasis), jock itch, ringworm and athlete's foot.
BAZA Antifungal Cream treats and relieves the pain and discomfort of superficial fungal infections associated with incontinence. BAZA Anti-fungal Cream is a moisture barrier cream made from a Zinc oxide-based formulation with 2% Miconazole Nitrate to inhibit fungal growth and treat candidiasis (yeast or monilia), jock itch, ringworm, skin fold, dry skin, pressure ulcers, and athlete’s foot. BAZA Antifungal Cream provides a moisture barrier against urine and feces.
Is this product safe to use on a daily basis? I have heard that some yeast can become resistant to azole-based antifungals (like Miconazole) and this is exacerbated by long-term use. Any thoughts? Thank you.
6 Answers
Question By: JESmom on Jul 11 2001 8:23 PM
Use it daily for best results. It will keep the irritation to a minimum.
Answer By: Michael on Dec 13 2030 9:16 PM
We used this cream for irritation on skin where high perspiration occurred. Creams specifically for yeast infections were not working. The Baza cream was used twice a day for 7 days along with cornstarch powder with no apparent results. For the next 7 days, we switched to Zeasorb anti-fungal powder with the Baza cream--the irritation started to heal. After 7 days, we stopped using the Baza cream but continued to use the Zeasorb powder alone twice a day. We have continued to use the Zeasorb powder daily after bathing for almost 2 years and have not had irritation problems that required using the cream. Controlling wetness from perspiration once the initial irritation is healed seems to be the key--but not with regular talc powder or cornstarch powder. Hope this helps.
Answer By: Yvonne on Dec 12 2022 2:37 PM
All I can say is that we use it every day and the results are excellent. Fungus outbreaks are almost never now.
Answer By: cs on Dec 12 2022 6:01 PM
perfectly safe and effective for daily use.
Answer By: papagoose on Dec 12 2022 9:51 PM
I'm not a doctor just a Mom using Baza for over 15 year by a LVN sugestion working with older adults. Never a problem, actually proven to be when we forgot to use it! My son is totally dependent so I BAZA EVERY DAY for is G-Tube, Trach site, nails and pericare for prevention. Before that he was having some irritation and even granulation very difficult to treat. Hope this helps.
Answer By: RJ's mom on Dec 12 2023 12:15 AM
I use it regularly with no negative effect. I do though rotate it with other chemical formulas for fungus as some antifungals work better with different types of fungus.