How do you stop wound drainage?
In the case of surgery or where the patient has a deep wound, stopping a wound from draining may not always be possible. Instead, you need the right wound drainage supplies to collect the liquids secreting from the wound and keep it as clean as possible to prevent infection. Wound drainage products include drain tubes and collection devices, bulb syringes and irrigation supplies, and wound closure strips.
Large wounds may produce lots of fluid to drain, which is normal and nothing to worry about. However, keeping the area free of dirt, debris, and bacteria while allowing the wound to drain completely is essential to prevent infection and serious complications from arising. When the wound starts secreting less fluid, wound closure strips may be used to help the wound heal quicker and prevent any future risks of infection. Be sure to properly sterilize both your hands and the wound area before applying the strips.
What exactly is wound drainage?
Wound drainage refers to the process of using wound drainage supplies to collect fluids, like blood and puss, that may be secreted from a deep injury or surgical wound. In the early stages of healing, blood vessels dilate to help promote healing. This is the body’s natural way of preventing infection as best as it can and speeding up the healing process. If you do not drain a wound properly, the lingering pus can cause irritation and infection. With tools like a wound drainage collector and bulb syringe, you can safely remove the excess pus and allow the wound to drain and heal. Steri-Strips may be used by the surgeon because they cause less scarring than staples or stitches. If these become soiled, it is best to remove them and apply new ones. Be sure to only attempt to do so with the patient’s doctor’s permission and only after sterilizing your hands, your work area, and the wound.
How long does wound drainage last?
Wound drainage can vary based on the length and depth of the injury or incision as well as the location. Some parts of the body with more blood vessels will secrete more fluids than other areas. Generally, blood leaking out of the wound should dissipate or greatly improve during the first 24 to 48 hours. After this, the wound may secrete liquid pus with a tinge of blood in it. Over time, you should notice the pus becoming clearer. This process can take anywhere from five to seven days. If you notice a wound that is not improving, is hurting more, or is starting to secrete blood days after the surgery, you should consult with a physician as this could be a sign of infection.
What does yellow drainage from a wound mean?
Some yellow fluid in the pus of the wound is normal. But if the wound drainage is ongoing and the pus becomes a deep yellow or produces a foul order, it can be a sign of infection. Start by cleaning the wound with cleansing solution to help improve the condition of the wound and the infection. You should consult with your physician immediately as you may need to return to the hospital if you have been sent home. Infections can usually be cleared up rather quickly with appropriate care. If the infection is not cared for, it can cause serious complications. In most cases, antibiotic treatment will help rid the body of the infection and allow the wound to continue to heal properly.
How do you irrigate a wound?
To properly irrigate a wound, start by collecting the right supplies. You’ll need a wound irrigation tray to set all of your supplies and keep them sterile throughout the process. For longer drainage periods, a wound drainage collector may be required to hold the pus and blood that leaks out from the wound. Before touching the wound, be sure to properly wash and sanitize your hands as well as the supplies you’ll be using. This will help prevent infection and improve wound drainage.
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