I said to my buddy Daver, "Hey, I'm having a hard time finding a widget or badge to download into my blog so people can follow us on Twitter." 

He laughed and reminded me that not long ago that statement would sound like 'a whole lotta gibberish', (and probably still does to most people).  Regardless, Allegro has jumped on the social networking bandwagon and we now have pages and accounts with Facebook and Twitter.

AllegroMedical.com on Facebook

If you have a Facebook account, click here to find AllegroMedical.com and then click on the link to "become a fan" (top right portion of the page).  It onlyl takes a second and it doesn't obligate you to anything.  We're trying to see how many fans we can get!   

It's kindof a cute page with pictures of our events/parties, our employees, the dogs of Allegro, etc.  I'll be adding more as time goes by.  You can also see our blogs, special offers/promotions and neat stuff like that.   Feel free to add fan photos, fan videos, write on our wall and leave reviews.  We'd love to see your smiling face.  Yeah!! 

Allegro Medical on Twitter

If you follow me, I'll follow you!  Same for Allegro Medical.  I have a personal Twitter account where you can follow me, Valerie Paxton and/or you can follow Allegro Medical.  

I'm still not sure about where social networking will take us, but hey, we're all in this together, right?  Maybe we can all get to know each other a little better.

See you soon!
