
Stress Management

  1. Are you struggling with insomnia?

    Are you struggling with insomnia?

    Two powerful weapons in the fight against insomnia are a comfortable sleep environment and a relaxing bedtime routine. Both can make a big difference in improving the quality of your sleep.  Allegro Medical recommends the following products to help you fight your sleep deprivation.

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  2. What Makes Equagel Cushions Different From All Other Cushions?

    What Makes Equagel Cushions Different From All Other Cushions?

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  3. MS Relief With Effective Body Cooling Products

    People with medical heat intolerance conditions such as multiple sclerosis (MS) can feel their symptoms become worse when their body temperature increases. Many people can feel much worse by just a half degree difference in temperature! MS research has proven that heat and humidity often aggravate common MS symptoms 1. This is where body cooling systems give relief to people experiencing MS symptoms. Now there is no reason to be stuck inside on a warm summer afternoon as these cooling systems gives freedom back to those who enjoy the outdoors.

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  4. Are you part of the 75% population?

    Have you heard of the term “Resolutioner”? In the fitness industry it’s a widely used term for people who sign up for a gym membership right after the New Year. The month of January usually sees about a 30% increase in new gym memberships. People are joining for the right intentions, but sadly, most of those new memberships go inactive after 30 days 1.  Below are some interesting stats according to a U.S. Government survey.

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  5. Multivitamins don't protect against cardiovascular disease, study finds

    Medical SuppliesResearch published online Monday in the Journal of the American Medical Association finds that taking a daily multivitamin offers no more protection against heart attack, stroke or death from cardiovascular disease than taking a daily placebo pill.  The study was based on the Physicians' Health Study II (PHS II), a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial that began in 1997 and ran through June 1, 2011. It included 14,641 male physicians (754 with a history of cardiovascular disease) who were 50 years or older at the start of the study. About half (7,317) of the men were randomly assigned to take a daily Centrum multivitamin; the other half (7,324) were assigned to take placebo pills.

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  6. Dietary Supplements to Replenish and Energize

    Duocal Powder - 400g Proper nutrition isn't always easy to maintain, even if you are eatin' your greens.  But it is more important than you might imagine when it comes to feeling energized and focused. 

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  7. 5 Tips for Successful New Year's Resolutions

    Magneciser Pedal Exerciser Starting the year with a list of New Year's Resolutions may be as commonplace as ending the year without them. Perhaps therein lies the problem - starting with a list of resolutions intead of just one specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-based (S.M.A.R.T.) goal . . .  but I digress.  Below are a few tricks to improve your chances of making the right resolution(s) and seeing them through to success.  You can do it!

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  8. Gift Ideas for Any Budget

    Haier HLT10 - 10" Digital Portable LCD Television Gift buying is in full swing now that Thanksgiving has passed and it couldn't be a better time to shop for the perfect gift at Allegro.  Be sure to take advantage of our current promotions and exceptional deals when buying gifts for your loved ones . . . or for yourself.  Happy Holidays!

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  9. Exercise Equipment for Winter Workouts

    Jacob's Ladder Total Body Exerciser If inclement weather is forcing your workouts indoors,  we have just the right workout equipment to keep you in shape over the winter.  No need to pay for a gym membership year after year.  Instead, invest in your own home gym and in no time you'll have everything you need to accomplish any fitness goal, plus the ultimate weapon against missing workouts - geographical desirability. 

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  10. 10 Products to Help you Relax

    I wish I had a chill-pill for all you stress monsters, especially in these crazy times.  I'd probably pop a few myself.  Alas, most of us could do with fewer vices and more good old fashioned relaxation. Remember, you are no good to anyone unless you're good to yourself.

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