
Outdoor Gear

  1. MS Relief With Effective Body Cooling Products

    People with medical heat intolerance conditions such as multiple sclerosis (MS) can feel their symptoms become worse when their body temperature increases. Many people can feel much worse by just a half degree difference in temperature! MS research has proven that heat and humidity often aggravate common MS symptoms 1. This is where body cooling systems give relief to people experiencing MS symptoms. Now there is no reason to be stuck inside on a warm summer afternoon as these cooling systems gives freedom back to those who enjoy the outdoors.

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  2. How to Stay Warm all Winter Long

    You don't have to be cold!  Cozy up with these great warming products and stop the shivers, inside and out. 

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  3. Top 10 Daily Living Aids

    If I've said it once, I've said it 1685 times . . . "If you, your loved one or your patient is having a hard time doing something for themselves or getting somewhere on their own, we probably have an adaptive product to help."  

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  4. Father's Day - Perfect Gifts for All Dads

    Father's Day is Sunday, June 20, 2010.  Choose the perfect gift for your Dads, Uncles, Grandpas and Father-in-laws with these Father's Day gift ideas.  Hard to buy for that special guy?  Fear not, dear shopper, for we have selected these Father's Day Presents to suit all dads from young to senior, with varied abilities and special interests.  No ties this year! Yippee!

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  5. Get a Grip - Products for Limited Hand Function

    Don't let hand weakness stop you from living your life or doing the things you love.  There are products specifically designed to allow you to get the job done even if you have a limited hand function - from gardening and golfing to cooking, playing cards or using scissors.  

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  6. Water Aerobics Gear, Sunglasses, Cast Covers & More

    Summer is a great time of year for outdoor activities and fun.  Don't let mobility issues, oppressive heat or even broken bones stop you from getting your exercise, staying cool and joining in the fun this season.

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  7. Mind Chatter? Quiet your Thoughts

    I recently heard on the news that anxiety related doctor visits are on the rise.  Specifially, symptoms like upset stomach, insomnia, panic attacks and muscle aches.  They said that worries about the economy and personal financial turmoil are making people physically sick.  Is the economy making you sick?  If so, how can you be healthy when all you want to do is ignore your problems, eat a Whopper and drink yourself into oblivion?

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  8. Ready... Stretch ... Garden!

    Spring is springing and it's time to go play in the dirt, right? Not so fast, Marge. Gardening and lawn work will help you find muscles you didn't know you had if you're not physically ready for it. Especially if your winter routine didn't include a lot of bending, reaching and kneeling.

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  9. Gardening Made Easy

    I love digging in the dirt, planting seeds and relishing the fruits of my labor just as much as the next gal, but nothing crumps me up faster than a few hours in the garden. My friend and co-worker Melissa swears that her mom's knee replacements were directly related to her years of gardening. I believe it. Kneeling and stretching and bending, oh my!

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