FDA Approves Stem Cells for Spinal Cord Injuries

According to SFGate.com, StemCells Inc. received approval to start experimenting with stem cells on people with spinal cord  injuries. Stem Cell

The goal of the research is not for the people to suddenly be cured, but to achieve any improvement in daily living activities.  Feeling in certain parts of the body or having the urge to go to the bathroom would be big wins for a person with a spinal cord injury.

Just as Christopher Reeves did before his death, many people with spinal cord injuries have been calling for more research on the treatment of spinal cord injury by stem cells.  It has been a very slow process, and one that the FDA had previously slowed.[1]

Geron tried a similar trial in 2010 but stopped the trial to focus on cancer research.  There were no serious side effects but also no improvements in the patient’s neurological condition. [2]  It has been announced that BioTime bought the stem cell work from Geron and would begin the trials again, but has not started yet.

Perhaps if these two companies can show progress on a cure for spinal cord injury more time and money will be spent towards the field.

Allegro Medical has served those with spinal cord injuries for more than 10 years.    Rely on AllegroMedical.com for a wide variety of home health and wellness products.

[1] http://www.sfgate.com/health/article/StemCells-gets-FDA-OK-on-spinal-cord-trial-4879932.php

[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_embryonic_stem_cells_clinical_trials