2016 is a new year for resolutions and for many that #1 resolution is to get in shape. Pairing with that resolution usually is a membership to one’s local fitness center. According to statista.com, 2014 had over 54.1 million memberships at fitness centers/ health clubs up from 32.8 million back in 2000 (1). This means that over 17% of the US population is currently enrolled in a fitness center. Now enrolling is the easy part, the hard part is actually attending and making the most of it.

There are many hidden benefits to exercise that most overlook. As you work out, your lungs are getting stronger, your motivation is at its peak, and when you push yourself harder your body blasts through fat cells as its source of energy (2). Did you also know that working out assists to protect yourself against colds and flus? "Every sweat session you do can help strengthen your immune function for about 24 hours," says Cedric Bryant, PhD, chief science officer for the American Council on Exercise.

It is easy to start making excuses 2 weeks into your journey such as time, the gym is too crowded, I work in an office all day, or even sheer lack of motivation. Here at Allegro Medical, we feature items that many probably didn’t know are available that counter any excuse.

Deluxe Xertube with Handles

You don’t always need heavy weights to strength train. Xertube resistance bands work well and have many uses and target everyone's personal fitness level.  Often people reach for resistance bands to work out as these strengthen the core of your muscles due to the bands resisting more you pull more. You only need a little space to begin a safe, effective total body workout. You can work out sitting, standing, laying, or even walking! Check out many other resistance bands and tubes that are for sale!


Aids in keeping me flexible. Always handy when I feel like I need some exercise. Can be used in many ways with hands or feet.

by katie from des Moines, Washington

Cando Ball Chair – Mobile

This Cando ball chair is a top seller for office workers. Now you can sit stationary and exercise quietly with some low impact movements. You are able to move your lower core to burn calories, strengthen your core muscles and back, and improve posture. This chair goes past just pure stationary exercise; it can be used for therapy as well at home.




Ekho THREE Pedometer

Add steps to your days and count with a pedometer! The Ekho THREE Pedometer helps you reach your fitness goals by delivering all your relevant workout data on a large, easy to-read LCD display, at the touch of a button. Pedometer calculate how many calories burned and even gives you step goals! Many office employees average only 1,000 to 3,000 steps a day. It is recommended to try and walk 10,000 steps. That seems like quite a lot but you can break down these steps into a couple of smaller obtainable chunks. Grab a walking partner and fit in 1,500 steps during break in your day. Take a mile walk with your pet which is only 2,000 steps. Use the stairs at stores or work or even park further away in the parking lot. Check out other pedometers we have available.

Since 1997 Allegro Medical has been a leading supplier of exercise and fitness supplies and equipment to healthcare providers and consumers.  If you are looking to get fit with helpful exercise tools and supplies, rely on AllegroMedical.com for all of your needs.


  1. http://www.statista.com/statistics/236123/us-fitness-center--health-club-memberships/
  2. http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/workout/tips/power-surge-the-hidden-benefits-of-exercise/