Jumpstart Your Health with Allegro Medical
Jumpstart Your Health with Allegro Medical
This has been one busy year so far for us at Allegro Medical. We’ve started 2008 with one goal in mind, do what we do a little bit better and that includes offering a large product selection, competitive pricing, constant upgrades to processes for automation, and ultimately, a more enjoyable user experience. We aren’t going down the conventional trail, we’re blazing our own.
It’s Never Too Late to Start
Sure there are those people who say they want to get into shape and they set a New Year’s resolution that is destined to deteriorate by January 15th. I’ve seen it time and time again. I would constantly go to the gym at my University and it would always be packed at the beginning of the year with students determined not to go back home with the extra freshman 15. Then, two weeks later the workout area begins to be a comfortable room with no crowds, no lines, and on a not-so-good note, no spotters.
The biggest reason people don’t workout or cease to continue is because of the lack of convenience. Who wants to wake up two-hours early, drive 15-30 minutes to the gym, get uncomfortable, self-conscious and sweaty all at the same time for about an hour, then drive another 15-30 minutes home before even showering to begin the day? Who wants to lose a couple of hours after work or school to workout? After work should equal maximum relaxation and quality time with loved ones and good friends. And if quality time means working out, well, you’re on the right track. For the others, I have some viable solutions to get jumpstarted on your health because it’s never too late to start.
The Magneciser is a great pedal exerciser that has received plenty of good feedback. Simply place the pedal exerciser under your desk at work or school and start pedaling away. It even adds a little bit of movement to a monotonous day in the office. A more conventional model is the Standard Pedal Exerciser.
Another workout alternative that has been gaining some traction because of it’s recent feature on Oprah is the Weighted Walking Vest by Xvest. The weight vest is a simple workout alternative because it can be used anytime, anywhere. Wearing it during jogging, yoga, playing basketball or doing anything active is sure to jump-start your heart and your health. But that’s not it; just wearing the weight vest is a workout. Strap it on for an afternoon stroll or the nightly post-dinner walk around the block. You can even wear it under your clothes to work or school. We have many sizes and weights of the Xvest Weighted Vests available so there is one customized to fit your needs.
Let’s not forget though, you must supplement your workout with good nutrition and plenty of sleep.
It’s a Leap Year
These only happen once every four years and we are trying to make the most of it. We’ve had a stellar year so far with your help and we want to continue to build on this momentum. We hope to continue to bring you more of what you want at prices that you’re looking for.